Assume the following facts to be true and answer the
question that follows:
If the overlord
is not to be deprived of his seigniory. (See:
Braswell v. Braswell, 195 Va.
971 at 975, 81 S.E. 2d 560 at 562 (1954), a property case on Doctrine of
Worthier Title.)
And, seigniorage (a.k.a. ‘inflation tax’) is to be collected
by those
who print/control currency.
who print/control currency.
The entity that prints/controls the currency is the overlord:
(*edit Oct. 30th, 2015. I maybe should clarify and say, "The entity to which the money is given immediately after it is printed is the overlord:" )
___ Always
___ Never
___ Sometimes
___ Uncertain from the facts given
(You can give your answer to this question on the SurveyMonkey link immediately above which should take you to the survey located at: r/LLKV6NB )
FYI / Definitions:
seign·ior·y :
The power, rank, or estate of a feudal lord. Also called signory.
[Middle English seigniorie,
from Old French, from seignor, seignior;
see seignior.]
seigniory, signory:
n pl -gniories,
(Historical Terms) less common names for a seigneury
(Historical Terms) (in England )
the fee or manor of a seignior; a feudal domain
(Historical Terms) the authority of a seignior or the relationship between him
and his tenants
(Historical Terms) a body of lords
Definition of SEIGNIORAGE
: a government revenue from the manufacture of coins
calculated as the difference between the face value and the metal value of the
sei·gnior·age or sei·gnor·age
Middle English seigneurage, from Anglo-French seignurage
right of the lord (especially to coin money), from seignur
First Known Use: 15th century
What Is Seigniorage?
Another way to look at it (but maybe not how I would explain it):
Wikipedia’s way of explaining it. (Wikipedia’s maybe not good for reference but
it’s often good to see opposing viewpoints in the same webpage document,